Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Transitivity reflexivity preorder

See also: Mathematical Analysis - index

A relational graph [;T;] is called transitive  [;\Leftarrow : \Rightarrow;] 

  • [; \forall_{x\ y\ z} (((x\ y) \in T\ \ \&\ \ (y\ z) \in T)\quad (x\ z) \in T) ;]

A relation [;\mathbf{T} := (X\ X\ T);] is called transitive  [;\Leftarrow : \Rightarrow;]  the relational graph  [;T;]  is transitive.

REMARK 0  Transitivity is defined only for relations for which codomain coincides with the domain (we have  [;X=Y;]  so to speak). When codomain coincides with the domain, say  [;X=Y;],  then we say that the relation is in  [;X;]  (rather than in  [;X\ Y;]).

A relational graph  [;T;]  is called reflexive  [;\Leftarrow : \Rightarrow;] 
  • [;\forall_{x\ y} ( (x\ y) \in T\quad\Rightarrow\quad ((x\ x)\in T\ \ \&\ \ (y\ y) \in T) ;]

Let  [;X;]  be an arbitrary set. Then the following set  [;\Delta_{X};]  is called the diagonal of  [;X;]:

[;: \quad\quad \Delta_{X} := \{ (x\ x) : x\in X \} ;]

We see that  [;\Delta_{X};]  is a relational graph, and that

[;: \quad\quad \mathbf{\Delta}_{X}\ \ :=\ \ (X\ X\ \Delta_{X}) ;]

is a relation in  [;X;].

A relation [;\mathbf{T} := (X\ X\ T);] is called reflexive  [;\Leftarrow : \Rightarrow;]  the relational graph  [;T;]  contains the diagonal:  [;\Delta_X \subseteq T;].

REMARK 1  Reflexivity is defined only for relations for which codomain coincides with the domain.

REMARK 2  The relational graph of any reflexive relation is reflexive, while the inverse claim fails: a relation may have a reflexive graph without being reflexive, as for instance the empty relation in a non-empty set  [;X;]:

[;:\quad\quad(X\ X\ \emptyset) ;]

THEOREM 0  Let  [;\mathbf{T} := (X\ X\ T);]  be a transitive relation. Then the relational graph

[; :\quad\quad\underline{T} := T\cup\Delta_X ;]

is both transitive and reflexive. Furthermore

[; :\quad\quad\underline{\mathbf{T}} := (X\ X\ \underline{T});]

is a transitive and reflexive relation

A relation which is both transitive and reflexive is called a preorder.

We saw that each transitive relation in  [;X;]  leads to a preorder by extending it by the diagonal  [; \Delta_X;].

Diagonal  [;\Delta_{X};]  itself is a preorder. And so is the complete relation in  [;X;],  which has  [;X\times X;]  for its relational graph.

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